Customer Story: Golden Energy Offshore and Metizoft – A Successful ESG Collaboration

We're thrilled to share how Golden Energy Offshore has taken their sustainability efforts to the next level with Metizoft’s ESG solutions.

Golden Energy Offshore (GEO) has always considered sustainability a core value. They have been early adopters of ISO certifications (ISO 50001, 45001, 9001, and 14001), emphasizing emission reduction, resource conservation, and proper waste management. The company also prioritizes employee well-being and community contributions through sponsorships of local sports teams, cultural projects, and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of those in need. Although ESG reporting was already an established practice before partnering with Metizoft, GEO sought a more professional and efficient solution.

The teams from Metizoft and Golden Energy Offshore held a workshop as part of the onboarding into the Metizoft EGS solution.


Even though they had solid internal data collection, compiling and comparing data from year to year was very time-consuming. Presenting the results in a professional way was also a challenge. They needed a solution that could streamline the process and make the data look more polished and professional.

Why Metizoft?

Golden Energy Offshore already had a long-standing and successful partnership with Metizoft through services like IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials), all the way back to the times where it was called Green Passport. When the need for a professional ESG reporting solution arose, Metizoft was a natural choice.

With positive experiences from previous collaborations, GEO looked forward to an efficient process and strong support during reporting intervals. Metizoft was chosen for their user-friendly software, familiarity with GEO, professionalism, and the comprehensive support they could offer throughout the entire process, from data collection to the final report.

Implementing Metizoft's Solutions

Getting started with Metizoft went smoothly. After an initial meeting to clarify expectations and possibilities, a workshop was held with participants from both GEO and Metizoft. Throughout the process, there has been open communication, which has been beneficial for both parties.

Biggest Changes After the Collaboration

With Metizoft's solutions, data is now recorded in a database that automatically compiles the report. This has made the reports more professional and standardized, simplifying the comparison of data from year to year. GEO is also working on implementing APIs to further automate data collection, allowing them to focus more on results rather than reporting itself.


GEO can now present completed, professional ESG reports. The process requires less work, and the reports look impressive.


Golden Energy Offshore highly recommends Metizoft. Svein-Terje B. Fagervoll, Chartering Manager & Operation Officer at GEO, shares that the collaboration has already reduced the workload associated with ESG reporting and improved the outcome. With more APIs in place, Fagervoll looks forward to even more efficient processes. When asked if he would recommend Metizoft ESG to others, his response is:

"Absolutely. This has already made ESG reporting less demanding for us, and the results are good. Great collaboration with a talented team at Metizoft!"

Last updated Jun 21, 2024

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